Helpful Data

This page contains useful data for all Hwang Geum Dong land owners and investors. It will grow as we find more information to help us all make the right decisions in managing the areas development.

Hwang Geum Dong Jo Hap Agreement

The link below is very important to all of those who own land in Hwang Geum Dong. It outlines the obligations of the Management Group in charge of Hwang Geum Dong's development. Do you think they are doing a good job? This document points out what the Management Group has to do. It also outlines what we legal actions we can take if the Management Group isn't doing what they should. It is a must read!

Hwang Geum Dong Jo Hap Agreement

Real Estate Agents in Gwang Yang City

Do you want to buy land in Hwang Geum Dong? Would you like to find out market value in Hwang Geum Dong? Call some of these helpful agents in Gwang Yang City. They will be glad to help. Of course, we don't endorse any of these real estate businesses. Their numbers were taken randomly from the Gyo Chea Ro classified ads real estate section.

Remember to use this map for reference.
Hwang Geum Real Estate Map

김박사 공인중개사 (061) 794-6500

썬샤인 공인중개사 (061) 795-7477 / 010-4060-8259

부원 공인중개사 (061) 791-4988~9 / 011-649-2629

금호 공인중개사 (061) 793-2310 / 016-637-7823

김박사 공인중개사 (061) 794-6500

내일을여는 공인중개사 (061)-794-6611 / 010-3457-3216

고그리 공인중개사 (061) 762-7177 / 011-615-6631

호반 공인중개사 (061) 791-8080 / 011-9601-4477

드림 부동산 (061) 761-0555 / 010-6650-0555

림 공인중개사 (061) 791-0803 / 019-601-0803

푸르네 공인중개사 (061) 795-5080 / 017-633-4195

장대익 공인중개사 (061) 793-8945 / 011-641-5707

황금 부동산 (061) 762-0668 / 011-629-0668

시민부동산 공인중개사 (061) 762-7177 / 017-622-6863